November we dig in to vocals for "Everything Woman"

Crackle and Pop is a sweet recording studio in Ballard WA. I spent some time looking out of this window while listening to the play backs of my own voice. Listening to yourself is interesting and sobering, but sometimes I can breathe a sigh of relief when it's right.  Eric and I were here for 3 days starting to track vocals.  It's been two days since the recording and I feel like I'm waking up from it. I was unfortunately fighting the plague and therefor infused with Zyrtec and satsuma oranges much of the time. I checked with Eric and he confirmed that it did all in fact happen and went swimmingly. We were successful in getting vocals on 7 of my twelve songs pretty much buttoned up. It's a good days work tracking to Keith Lowe, Jeff Fielder, Michael Stegner, and Eric. Over and over their artistry in my head. What I am left with is a clearer picture of what I will share with you in a matter of months now. I am the luckiest songwriter singer to have my songs land in the skilled, perfectionist, visionary hands of Mr. Eagle and even waking from my satsuma high I am  excited to share this work with you soon......

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